Saturday, June 29, 2024

What do we know about this video that appears to make Joe Biden look “bad” during the G7 in Italy?


A viral video appears on social media showing Joe Biden failing during the G7 summit in Italy.
The queue is actually disconnected.
Montage’s editors, who are close to Donald Trump, are accustomed to attacks against the White House tenant.

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The information was analyzed

Is Joe Biden Losing His Mind? A video of the Democratic state chairman, widely used by pro-Republican accounts, conveys this. Currently in Puglia (Italy) at the G7 event, the US President, in a short video clip, looks lost. As he watched the paratroopers land, along with other heads of state, Joe Biden broke away from his colleagues, forcing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to hold him. The extract ignited social networks and put the subject of Joe Biden’s age back on the table.

One tweet has been seen by more than 16 million peopleColin Rugg, co-founder of conservative media outlet Trending Politics, retweeted the video: “President Biden appears to be wandering during the G7 summit and needs to be brought back into the group. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has caught up with Biden to bring him back into the group. […] A clown show.” After verification, these images are indeed authentic, but the sequence is disconnected.

Joe Biden “Not Lost”

This passage comes from Video posted on Youtube American media The National Desk on June 13. The original, watched by only 24,314 people (as of June 14, 2024), lasts 14 minutes and shows heads of state attending a parachute drop. Watching the video in its entirety, we can clearly see that Joe Biden is going to greet the paratroopers behind the G7 delegation. So it’s not “lost”. Georgia Meloni, for her part, arrives to pick up the President of the United States so that he can attend a speech by the head of the paratroopers.

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It’s no coincidence that the sequence would spread even more if the original video were accessible to everyone. The consequences were intended and anticipated by the authors.

  • Read more

    Video – Joe Biden in Paris: Secret Service, Armored Car, Blood Bags… Incredible Security System

Video edited and Originally published June 13 by the Republican National Committee (RNC) Research Division. The account is managed by people close to Donald Trump and uses false information about Joe Biden. During the D-Day celebration on June 6, Joe Biden managed to fool many French media outlets by circulating a truncated video of him trying to sit on an empty chair. After Highlighters joint checkJoe Biden actually sat in a real chair next to Emmanuel Macron.

Since the first fight between Trump and Biden in 2020, Joe Biden has been a constant target of attacks on his age (81 years old) from the Republican camp.

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Zachary Manceau

Agapito Llano
Agapito Llano

"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."



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