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The discovery follows a serendipitous incident: On Wednesday, a motorist heard a noise coming from the chassis of his car and realized it was a metal rod protruding from between the cobblestones of the street.
Argentine officials may have avoided the new one “The Heist of the Century” With Thursday’s discovery in San Ysidro, a wealthy suburb to the north Buenos AiresA sophisticated tunnel about 220 meters long was dug towards a bank. The tunnel, which was dug three meters underground, was equipped with a thick wooden frame, ventilation and electrical system, and ended a few meters away from Macro Bank, police said.
The discovery follows a serendipitous incident: On Wednesday, a parked motorist heard a noise coming from the chassis of his car and realized it was a metal rod protruding from between the cobblestones of the street. The local prosecutor’s office ordered a search, which led to the discovery of the tunnel and its starting point, a disused hangar 200 meters away, where large amounts of backfill and excavation equipment were found. Police did not report any arrests Thursday.
“Engineering Work”
Analysts estimate that the construction of the tunnel took 6 to 9 months “An Engineering Job”, “Better than that Chapo Guzman »In 2015 he refers to a Mexican drug lord used to escape from prison.
This incident also reminds us “Flight of the Century” In 2006, in the same city of San Ysidro, Argentina, a group of criminals stole nearly $19 million from a bank and escaped through a tunnel — dug a year for their escape — that simulated a lengthy hostage situation inside. During this heist, which has been the subject of books, series and movies, the gang used fake weapons and left a note in the safe room: “Where the rich live, there is no weapons, no hatred, only money, no love”.
“Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek.”