Yom Kippur. This year, Yom Kippur falls in early October. Date, meaning, timings, rituals…everything you need to know about the Jewish celebration can be found on this page.
[Mis à jour le 4 octobre 2022 à 23h07] Yom Kippur begins at sundown this Tuesday, October 4. The Jewish holiday of “Great Atonement” corresponds to the holiest and most solemn day in the Hebrew calendar. The event runs until dusk on Wednesday, October 5 (More time table details here) Every year, Yom Kippur falls exactly ten days after the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah, in other words, on the 10th day of the month of Tishri (September or October, depending on the year). Celebration does not give a rise holiday, but unemployed. As for the date and times, they change every year depending on the geographical area. Just inquire at the synagogue attached to your home to know about them locally.
Yom Kippur commemorates a biblical episode from the Old Testament: God forgives the Hebrews for fashioning and worshiping a golden calf following their flight from Egypt. God would have granted complete forgiveness to the prophet Moses after 40 days of prayer at Mount Sinai in an attempt to atone for this sin on behalf of the Jewish people. So the time of Yom Kippur is reflected in the parenthesis of making amends for wrongs done during the year through fasting and prayer.
Strict holidays like Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah
Like it Rosh Hashanah, another very important holiday in the Hebrew calendar, Yom Kippur is a strict holiday. Called the “Shabbat of Shabbat,” the holy day ends with an XXL family and festive break-the-fast meal. Note, however, that the observance of Yom Kippur may vary slightly by community. For Sephardic Jews, it is the “White Fast”. They thus dress in white to symbolize their desire for purity and freedom from sins. In their worship, we find joyous music, compared to that of Ashkenazi Jews. For the latter, the approach is more sacred. The original joy of the day is acknowledged, but the memory of the martyrs and the dead occupies a prominent place.
Here are the secrets of the date, origin and meaning of Yom Kippur.
In 2022, the Jewish celebration of Yom Kippur begins this Tuesday, October 4, at 7:07 p.m. (Paris time). Yom Kippur and its privations must come to an end later Wednesday, October 5 at 8:08 p.m. Accurate (always Paris time). So the religious celebration takes place somewhat outside of the weekend this year, while Saturday and Sunday are the “most convenient” time for the working faithful of Judaism. This year Yom Kippur falls two months earlier Hanukkah, the eight-day winter Jewish “Festival of Lights”. And after about three monthsEid Al-KhebeerThis time is the highlight of the Muslim calendar.
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Dates and Fasting time It actually changes every year. If Yom Kippur is not celebrated on the same date from one year to the next, it depends on the Hebrew calendar that marks the beginning of the Bible. It is made up of 12 or 13 lunar months depending on the year, and seven-day weeks starting on Sunday and ending on that day. Sabbath, i.e. Saturday. Lunar months are shorter than Gregorian calendar months (alternatively 29 or 30 days): for this reason 10th of Tishri is a volatile date If we look at the app’s calendar. In 2014, the two most important holidays of Judaism and Islam, Yom Kippur and Eid el-Kebir, took place simultaneously for the first time in 33 years.
Yom Kippur is celebrated soon. Rosh Hashanah (aka Shana Tova), party sign A New year Calendar and 10 Days of Penance in the Hebrew Calendar: The Day of Atonement always takes place 10 days after the first day of Rosh Hashanah (See why here) and this +10 days previous evening starts. It’s a day off but no holidayIt is seen as the most auspicious celebration of the year by the devotees.
“Day of Atonement” is a religious holiday. It reminds The day God forgave the Jewish people for the mistake of the golden calf. A book of the Bible Discharge. According to these writings, when Moses ascended Mount Sinai to receive the tables of judgment, the Hebrews made an idol in the shape of a calf from the molten jewelry of women and children. The prophet who discovered the idolatry forbidden by the third commandment would have broken the table of the law in anger. Moses stayed on the top of the mountain twice for 40 days and received the forgiveness of his people from God. On the tenth day of Tishri, it was granted.
Yom Kippur is the tenth day of the Jewish ten days of penance.. The period from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur is dedicated to “teshuvah,” introspection and repentance. During these ten days, it is recommended to do everything possible to correct the wrongs done to others.
There are Many ways Happy Yom Kippur. You can easily remember “Gmar H’atima tova” (by pronouncing the “H” like a Spanish “j”) or even, “Bon Kippur.” If you want to confirm your well-wishes to someone of the Jewish faith after Yom Kippur, you can also say “Hag Sameh” after sounding the shofar, the ancestral wind instrument used to break the fast. . This formula, which faithful Jews also exchange among themselves, refers to the holiday known as Sukkot, and is celebrated a few days later. A Hebrew word, “Sukkot” refers to a pilgrimage festival found in the Torah, the Jewish holy book. Sukkot is celebrated during what believers consider divine favor during the “Exodus of the Children of Israel.” Sukkot lasts seven days, punctuated by memorial rituals.
Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement”. On this exciting day, Jews abstain from work and impose Young. The day before Yom Kippur, the scarcity of food and drink begins half an hour before sunset and ends after sunset the next day. The fast lasts for a total of 25 hours, and it is compulsory for all Jews, from the age of 13 for boys and from the age of 12 for girls. However, fasting is not permitted for people who are vulnerable to illness, such as diabetics or women who have given birth in the last three days. More generally, five prohibitions must be observed to separate oneself from the material world:
- Prohibition of food and drink
- Prohibition of marital relations
- Avoid washing
- Prohibition of anointing the body with oils and lotions (which refers to superficial pleasures)
- Prohibition of wearing leather shoes (which refers to material goods and comfort)
Work is also forbidden, and Jews must go to the synagogue for long hours to pray and ask God for forgiveness for their and the community’s wrongs. Believers individually apologize to anyone they have offended and ask for forgiveness for offenses against them. Need Yom Kippur Five Prayers Needed all day. The celebration of Yom Kippur varies by community. The Sephardim, for example, wear white to confirm their desire to absolve themselves of their sins.
The end of the fast is marked in the synagogues by sounding Shofar, a wind instrument made from ram’s horn. Believers gather as families or in their communities to “break the fast.” Foods prepared to celebrate the end of the festival differ according to tradition: Sephardim usually eat biscuits with lemonade, Ashkenazim usually prefer a hot drink and cheese or smoked fish. After a light meal, a chicken meal or broth is served.
The Ashura fast is observed by many Muslims. They thus follow a special site called Safir News, a prophetic tradition that commands believers to abstain from eating and drinking on the 9th and 10th days of the lunar month of Muharram (the first month of the Muslim calendar). “Ashura” (Arabic for “ten”) is an Islamic holiday that commemorates various prophetic events that took place on that day, according to the mentioned hadiths, historian Kamel Mesiti notes: “The expiation of Adam and Eve. , after their ‘fall’ on earth, (…) The ark of Noah (Nûh); the salvation of Abraham (Ibrahim) saved from the fire of Nimrod or the bowels of the salvation of Jonas (Yunus). The whale…”
Why talk about Ashura next to Yom Kippur? Because this celebration is a link between Judaism and Islam. According to the Sunna (prophetic tradition), in 622 AD, the Prophet visited the Jews of Medina on Yom Kippur, reminding them of the Feast of Atonement on which they had fasted. Muhammad asks them why they are doing this, and they reply that they are remembering “the day when God gave victory to Moses and the children of Israel over Pharaoh and his men.” Muhammad replied that he was related to the ancient biblical prophets and thus had a “greater right” to fast on that day. From there, the Prophet would command the Muslim faithful to fast on that day, recognizing Moses as “closer” to them, thereby incorporating Ashura into Islam.
In the Islamic tradition, a hadith refers to the recommendation of Ashura fasting: “As for fasting on the day of ‘Ashura, I hope that Allah will accept it as an atonement for the previous year.” (Sahih Muslim)
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