Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Danish Prime Minister was beaten by a man in a street in Copenhagen, her office announced


  • author, George Wright
  • Role, BBC News

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s office said she was “shocked” after being attacked on a street in Copenhagen.

The assault took place in a square in the city center, where a man approached her and beat her.

The attacker was arrested.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described what happened as “a despicable act that goes against everything we believe in and fight for in Europe.”

The Prime Minister’s office said in a statement, without providing further details: “Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was beaten on Friday evening in Kulturvet in Copenhagen by a man who was later arrested. The Prime Minister was shocked by the incident,” without providing further details.

Police said they had arrested a man and were investigating the incident, but declined to say more.

“She seemed a bit nervous,” Soren Kjergaard, who works as a waiter in the square, told Reuters after seeing the prime minister being led away.

The attack comes two days before Denmark votes in the European Union elections.

Frederiksen had previously participated in a European election event with the Social Democratic Party’s main candidate, Christel Schaldmus, Danish channel TV2 reported.

Her Social Democratic Party is the largest party in the coalition government. They still lead in opinion polls, but their support has declined significantly in recent months.

EU President Charles Michel said on Channel X that he was “angry”.

“I strongly condemn this cowardly act of aggression,” he said.

Rainerio Manuel
Rainerio Manuel

"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."



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