Friday, March 14, 2025


The real magic mouse was made by Logitech, not Apple

We may never know why Apple so persistently insists on charging the mouse upside down, like a beetle with its legs in...

The Best (and Worst) April Fools’ Jokes for Games of 2022

April Fools' Day is finally upon us, or as our UK editor John Walker likes to call it: "International Lie Day". Never fear,...

Google Docs will start urging some users to type in a less stupid way

Google Docs may soon suggest ways to improve the quality of your writing in addition to a straightforward fix Rules and spelling...

Wyze says it was “prudent” by not informing users of the security flaw

tl; DR Wyze Cam devices have suffered from a major security vulnerability for years. The vulnerability allowed hackers to gain unauthorized access to Wyze's home...


