Saturday, June 29, 2024

Several countries, including Germany, are calling on their nationals to leave Lebanon


Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged cross-border fire almost daily since the October 7 attacks. The UN has warned that a spread of war to Lebanon is “potentially apocalyptic”.

In recent days, many countries have urged their countrymen to leave Lebanon as soon as possible because of the risk of an escalating conflict between Israel and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah. Germany is one of them. “German citizens urged to leave Lebanon as soon as possible” The Ministry of External Affairs said on Wednesday. The current tension on the border with Israel could worsen at any moment.. is also “Increased risk of terrorist attacks” In the country, it can target Western expatriates or large hotels.

On Wednesday morning, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Federal Administration (FDFA) advised against travel to Lebanon.“A significant deterioration in the security situation across the country is possible at any time”. On Tuesday, Canada made the same call, urging its nationals to leave “as much as they can”. Kuwait on Friday evening preceded the North American country by advising its nationals not to travel to the country “Considering the current security situation in the region”.

Almost-daily thirs

Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged cross-border fire almost daily since the October 7 attack by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas on Israeli territory that sparked the war in the Gaza Strip. German Foreign Minister Annalena Beierbach warned on Tuesday “calculation errors” It would trigger an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, an invitation “Extreme Control”. “With each rocket crossing the blue line (…), the risk of a miscalculation provoking war increases (…)”Annalena Baerbach wrote in X, referring to the UN-defined border line between Lebanon and Israel.

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The UN humanitarian chief also warned on Wednesday that Israel’s war against Hamas could spill over into Lebanon. “Potentially Apocalyptic”Bombings and fighting continue in the Palestinian territories. “I see it as the spark that ignites the powder…it’s apocalyptic”Martin Griffiths warned in Geneva that he feared the consequences “unpredictable” A conflict that reaches Lebanon.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blamed the West for his role “stabilize” Israeli offensive in Lebanon against Hezbollah. “Having degraded Gaza, Israel now seems to have set its sights on Lebanon. We see Western powers supporting Israel behind the scenes.announced the Turkish president in the presence of his party’s representatives in parliament.

Agapito Llano
Agapito Llano

"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."



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