Can the same person be affected by two different types? Results Belgium Come this Sunday to sow doubt. Belgian researchers have reported an unprecedented case of a non-violent man who died in March
Govit-19, After simultaneous exposure with alpha and beta types. According to them an event is undoubtedly “underestimated”.
“This is one of the first documented cases of co-infection with two disturbing variants of SARS-CoV-2,” said Anne Vankirbergan, author of the study, citing a press release from the European Microbiology Congress. Medical and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). On March 3, 2021, this 90-year-old woman, with no specific medical history and unvaccinated, Was admitted to a hospital in the Belgian city of Alst after a series of falls, the case was presented to Congress, according to the study, and reviewed by its select committee.
According to the ECCMIT, Kovit-19 was tested positively, with a non-initial “oxygen concentration of a good level and no signs of respiratory distress”. However, he “soon developed bad respiratory symptoms and died five days later.” According to a biologist at OLV Hospital in Allst, “it is difficult to say whether co-infection with both types played a role in the rapid deterioration of the patient’s condition.”
Two more cases have been reported in Brazil
Through extensive testing and deployment, TheHospital He was diagnosed with two strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Govt-19. Two types of alpha and beta were in circulation in Belgium at the time (March 2021), so the woman may have been infected by two different people together. Unfortunately, we do not know how it affected us, “said Dr. Vankirbergan.
To date, there have been “no other reported cases of co-infections with two variants,” the researcher pointed out, which he considers “important” for further sequencing and study of this phenomenon. Two individuals affected by two different types in Brazil were reported in a study in January that was “not yet published by a scientific journal,” ECCMID said.