Saturday, June 29, 2024

Raphaël Glucksmann reveals his priorities for the next legislature; Irish and Czech people vote


In TF1 and France 2, Emmanuel Macron called on voters to vote and warned against a far-right that could “block” the EU.

On Thursday evening, the President spoke on TF1 and France 2 at 8 The anniversary of the D-Day landings, the war in Ukraine and the European elections. Three days before the election, Arcom announced that the president’s comments on the European elections would be deducted from the speaking time of Valérie Hayer, the candidate of the presidential camp.

On Thursday evening, Mr. Macron claimed it was his “The role to intervene today [jeudi] », “First because”[il] Not seen everywhere in Europe but in France. “So I invite our comrades to go and vote on June 9”The head of state went on to quote Britons who may have regretted not going to a referendum on Brexit in 2016.

“All opposition parties [ont] Personalized », in this election, the head of state retaliated, criticizing the latter for over-indulging in the campaign. Before proceeding: “This is where I find the debate funny. I mean, not one day, not one television news, not one revelation or the entire opposition and especially the extreme right, who are they attacking? The President. »

He assessed that the second fight of these European elections, apart from the fight against the referendum, was the fight against the far right. “If France sends a very large far-right group tomorrow, and other major countries do the same, Europe will hold itself back.”Emmanuel Macron warned. “What is a Europe where the far right is strong? If there is another pandemic, it will not protect you Europe”He further added: “They will give you chloroquine or Sputnik vaccine. »

When journalist Anne-Sophie Labix asked him: “Shouldn’t you bring down the far right? »Referring to one of the promises made by the head of state during his first election in 2017, he replied: “That’s what I’m doing here, talking, trying to convince. (…) I’m into ideas, I’m not going to comment on pollss. »

Agapito Llano
Agapito Llano

"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."



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