Immunization expansion in Israel
As of July 10, even though 57.3% of its population had been fully vaccinated, Israel would still encourage some vulnerable people to be vaccinated.
Professor Cyril Cohen, director of the Immunotherapy Laboratory at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, explained at the i24NEWS Prime Set, “encouraging vaccination for those under 12 years of age.”
“We already had a few cases: about 700 children have been vaccinated in Israel so far. This is tricky and legal. It will continue,” Professor Cyril Cohen explains. “This is very important because here are the children with the most severe respiratory problems, the children undergoing transplant surgery: they are the most vulnerable children. For this, vaccination is recommended, especially when you see variation. Delta spreads,” added.
The professor also raised the possibility of giving a third dose to patients with immunodeficiency “if the immune system is weakened”. “But I don’t think this should be done in general,” he concluded.