Monday, July 1, 2024

In the 11th edition of French expatriates, the unlikely rivalry between conspiracy theorists Jacques Seminét and François Azelino


Some would say superior competition. However, there is an unprecedented clash between the leaders of the two parties as they continue their process, which will host the 11th constituency of French expatriates for these legislative elections. Among the candidates registered in this enormous region, which includes Russia, Central and South-East Asia, China, India and Australia, we will meet Jacques Seminat and François Azelino face-to-face. Progress and the Republican Popular Union (UPR), two groups often described as conspiracy theorists.

At the age of 82, Jacques Seminate “Never felt so young.” Four decades later, in Paris, in the 1978 legislative elections, this former business attaché of the French embassy in the United States received 0.1% of the vote when he decided to come out of retirement and return to the polls. Lydon LaRouche, an American who died in 2019, took to the field to once again promote the ideas of his mentor. Son of Mormons, sometimes described as a guru, Trotskyist activist and then Democratic Party candidate – after six years in prison for tax and postal evasion – Lyndon LaRouche developed a conspiracy theory that explained the state of the world through the occult influence of the British Empire and the City of London, to which he attributed reform of the international monetary system. He wanted to resist.

To these theories, Jacques Cheminade added some personal touches, such as his fascination with space travel. It’s not convincing: in three presidential runs (1995, 2012, 2017), he’s never crossed the 0.5% mark.

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On the other hand, François Asselineau, a 66-year-old former enarque and ministerial adviser, can boast of doing a little better: his conservative and sovereignist views on “Frexit” brought together 0.9% of the vote in the presidential election. 2017, “Though the media is silent”, as UPR activists like to repeat, those who are highly active on social networks are rare on the ground. A momentum was brought to an abrupt halt by his indictment in 2021, following multiple reports from his colleagues for “sexual harassment” and “sexual assault”. He did not respond to requests from them Monde.

Famous for Moscow

Closer to the sovereign right of Philippe Séguin in his early days or Charles Pasqua, whose cabinet he was a member of the Hauts-de-Seine General Assembly, François Asselineau has, over the years, again developed a rabid anti-American rhetoric. Coupled with a certain conspiracy, it makes us see an American conspiracy behind the creation of the European Union. Jean Monet, one of the founding fathers of Europe, according to him, A “Handling Agent” of the CIA.

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Agapito Llano
Agapito Llano

"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."