Home Top News In Italy, the brutal death of 17-year-old Michele shook the nation

In Italy, the brutal death of 17-year-old Michele shook the nation

In Italy, the brutal death of 17-year-old Michele shook the nation

Jeanne Le Borgne

The violent death of 17-year-old Michele, who was found in a garbage bag in Rome, has shocked Italy. Especially since the reasons for this crime seem so blatant…

It is a drama that tears the hearts of Italians. On Wednesday June 28, Michele, a 17-year-old girl, was stabbed to death six times by her boyfriend while she was in her apartment located in the popular district of Primavalle in Rome.

The alleged killer put her body in a black plastic bag and used a cart to take it next to the garbage bins. He would even go so far as to tell a passer-by, stunned by the sight, that he was carrying a load of fish.

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According to “Raw News”When arrested, the victim’s blood was still on the young man’s shoes.

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A loan of about forty euros

According to the Italian press, investigators first explored the thesis of the victim’s possible pregnancy, but the analyzes carried out on Michael directly rejected this path.

The boy would have explained in police custody that he wanted to return the money he had lent Michael… some forty euros. Michelle’s relatives wonder if the boy doesn’t love her and are jealous of her relationship with her future husband.

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A story that shook the neighborhood. Especially since Michelle is an “intelligent” young woman who is “invested in community life” and especially interested in singing, rap. A torch procession will be held in his memory.


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