A real dream. India, already devastated by Govt-19, must also face a second epidemic: mycomycosis. This is the most dangerous fungal infection, commonly known “Black mushroom”, The corona virus spreads at an alarming rate among patients. On Tuesday, Deputy Health Minister Bharathi Praveen Pawar announced in Parliament that 4,200 patients had already died from this rare and invasive disease, with its mortality rate estimated at 50%. The infection, which affects patients’ faces, forces surgeons to remove the eyes, nose and jaw bones to prevent brain damage.
In a country with a hospital system that is already sinking and on the brink of collapse, the pain continues to intensify. It affects everyone, including young people. According to local health officials, the number of infections rose in May and June before declining significantly. The number of people – and the disease in general – is still very difficult to arrest. “Pollution and deaths associated with mycomycosis are often underestimated in our country”, Also announced BBC Dr. Raghuraj Hegde is an eye surgeon from Bangalore (the capital of the state of Karnataka). “Deaths occur several weeks or months after the contracting of Govit-19. Our current system does not allow this data to be collected.”, Refers to the doctor.
India recorded only about twenty cases of mycomycosis per year prior to the Govt-19 epidemic, particularly in people with immunodeficiency, high blood sugar, AIDS, or organ transplantation. Excessive use of steroids to treat Covid-19 patients can explain the spectacular outbreak of this disease to the majority of specialists. “Diabetes lowers the body’s immune system, corona virus boosts them, and then steroids that help fight Covit-19 act as fuel for fire.”, Confirms Dr. Akshay Nair, eye surgeon in Bombay, aFrom the BBC.