Saturday, June 29, 2024

At least 94 people died in the area where the Israeli hostages were freed, Al-Aqsa Hospital said


The D-8 developing countries call on all countries to weigh in on Israel

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (D-8) of eight developing countries, mostly Muslim, called on Saturday for all countries to pressure Israel to respect international law and demand that Palestine become a member state of the United Nations.

At a meeting in Istanbul, the D-8 foreign ministers – Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey – demanded and called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. “All States” To exercise for this purpose “All diplomatic, political, economic and legal pressures” over Israel.

They specifically called on the US to lift its veto “The Full Admission of Palestine as an Independent and Sovereign State to the United Nations”A press release issued at the end of their meeting was organized at the initiative of Hakan Fidan, head of Turkish diplomacy.

The D-8 countries call on all countries to affirm Israel “Strictly bends” to decisions of the International Court of Justice and “Put an immediate end to its military offensive and pull out of Rafah [garantisse] Safe Route » Humanitarian aid.

They call them “Join current legal proceedings” Before international justice bodies against Israel “Grievous Violations of International Humanitarian Law” To the detriment of the Palestinians.

All eight countries are still demanding that they stop supplying Israel with used arms and ammunition “Killing Palestinians by his army and settlers and destroying their homes, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches and all their properties”.

They demand that everything be fulfilled “To protect Palestinian citizens” In implementing the resolutions of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly and “Reject” All “Attempted Forced Displacement” against them.

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They call on the international community to act immediately in support of a two-state solution within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and as a guarantee mechanism for its sustainable implementation.

Agapito Llano
Agapito Llano

"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."



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