Anthony Blinken in Israel to promote the cease-fire offer announced by Joe Biden on May 31

Anthony Blinken in Israel to promote the cease-fire offer announced by Joe Biden on May 31

A former hostage whose husband died in captivity in Gaza is furious with the Israeli government

Former Hamas hostage Tami Metzger believes so “If the Govt [israélien] stopped the war »Her husband, Yoram, was abducted with her from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7, 2023, and is still alive. “I’m angry, they have no heart”, he tells Agence France-Presse about Israeli leaders. The Israeli military announced last week that four hostages were killed in Gaza, including 80-year-old Yoram Metzger. Mme Metzger, 79, was released on November 28, 2023, following a week-long ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

When released, she said she did not have time to say goodbye to her husband. “They wouldn’t let me (…) Touch or talk to him”She remembers. “He shouted at me “Get out, the children are waiting for you”, I had no choice but to leave and I never saw him again. »

Mme Metzger has made no secret of his distaste for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The one who ran fast to talk to the former hostages” Those released on Saturday. “He didn’t say a word to us when we came out.”She laments.

On Saturday evening, Mr. Netanyahu visited the freed hostages in hospital and issued several statements welcoming their return and congratulating the security forces for the move. That same evening, Ayala Metzger, Tami Metzger’s niece and one of the leading figures in the anti-government protests, demonstrated in Tel Aviv every week to demand an agreement to release the hostages. “Bring down the government”.

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