Americans flee Afghanistan: Taliban-held country says special correspondent in Kabul

Americans flee Afghanistan: Taliban-held country says special correspondent in Kabul

ATMOSPHERE – The Taliban have now seized power in Afghanistan as US forces withdrew from Monday to Tuesday night. The Special Envoy for Kabul, our journalist Liser Paul, testifies to this special day.

In Afghanistan, it’s like the “next day”. After occupying the country for 20 years, U.S. forces withdrew 24 hours earlier Monday night. The Taliban are now alone as the head of state. The Special Envoy for Kabul, our journalist Lyceum Paul, has always been there. She tells the situation in the capital on Tuesday.

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Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban

Scenes demanding success

“For now, Kabul is quiet. People are leaving their homes, there are a lot of cars on the streets. It’s a little business.”, She says when underlined by all the uniqueness of this day mentioned by the absence of Americans. “Just minutes before midnight, we heard the sound of the last C-17 aircraft flying over Kabul – it went over our heads – and then very quickly machine gunfire and gunfire came across the city. The Taliban celebrated their victory, as they say, ‘Afghanistan 20 years after independence ‘, The journalist explains.

On Tuesday, Kabul airport fell completely into the hands of the Taliban, who had to ensure its safety and thus allow it to operate again. “It will be protected by Taliban special forces, well-trained and well-equipped people. We must not forget that there are still threats of terrorist attacks in this area of ​​the airport.”, Refers to Liseron Boudoul. On the technical side, he said, Qatar and Turkey would lend a hand to the Taliban.

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The future Taliban government was soon announced

The Taliban must announce their government during the day to establish their power. “With the ministers, the heads of the governorate and the head of the municipality of Kabul, because there is no one yet”, Explains our special correspondent, who is also waiting to see “At a severe rate” They will use Islamic law. “The people of Kabul are waiting for this morning because they will start their lives under another regime, with others at the forefront of the country. They do not know what will happen. Be their daily life now.”

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