Afghan women’s insurgency in the face of the Taliban’s return

Afghan women’s insurgency in the face of the Taliban’s return



Video Length: 3 min.

Wrote the article

D. – franceinfo

France televisions

In Afghanistan, the Taliban regained power. An announcement that worries many Afghan women. On Saturday, September 4, they demonstrated in Kabul for their rights and are seeking the help of the international community.

The fate of women in Afghanistan has been a concern since the Taliban came to power. A woman rides out in a taxi following a group of French televisions. The move was hated by the new masters of the country. Life in the capital, Kabul, seems almost normal. The Taliban are rarely known. But that young woman joins some friends. Among them, activists, feminists, students or artists want to hear themselves against the Taliban.

“We studied for years. The Taliban will not let us work. We can not go back.”, One of them responds. They all want the international community to take an interest in their fate. When the Taliban first came to power in 1996, not a single woman opposed them. Many dared to contact the mullahs, and verbal fights ensued. The security forces then decided to disperse them by force. Instead of dying slowly, these women are ready to take risks. “Fear that the Taliban will show their true face when the world looks away from Afghanistan.”, Related to Dorothy O’Leary in Kabul.


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