Sean Murray already narrates the successor to No Man’s Sky

Sean Murray already narrates the successor to No Man's Sky

A bearded man holds a video game console in front of a blue-violet nebula background.

Presented by Sean Murray No Man’s Sky At E3 2015
picture: Christian Petersen (Getty Images)

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: during a Last IGN InterviewHello Games’ managing director, Sean Murray, spoke of the studio’s new project as “something very ambitious.”

“is similar to No Man’s Sky“It’s the kind of project that even if we had a thousand people working on it, it would seem impossible,” Murray said.

No Man’s SkyAnd, as you might remember, it was sold in the same kind of cheerful language. However, a Huge list One of the features that Murray promised to pre-launch, such as the ability to see other players online, was also Notorious missing When the game hit store shelves.

And sure enough, while much of the disappointment can also be attributed to the unchecked train of hype before release and the harsh reality of the gaming industry, it’s hard to ignore at all times. No Man’s SkyScope is amplified. Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida admitted shortly after the release that the great PR strategy behind the game released by Sony “It wasn’t great.”

When he broke his silence two years later, Murray agreed, but also spoke of the detrimental effects of the stinging response to No Man’s Sky It was on Hello Games.

“This team that made the game is incredibly talented and they’ve created something really interesting – and that [controversy] It shouldn’t be what sets them apart, Murray said Eurogamer during 2018 posthumous. “No Man’s Sky It should be a game that was super ambitious and made by a small team and kept growing bigger and had a great community around it. That’s what I want to talk about.”

In the years since, Hello Games has been able to do just that Transforming public perception from No Man’s Sky By releasing many widely popular free updates, the latest one I fixed space combat It has expanded into the criminal underworld of the game. Won a BAFTA Award for “Best Developed Game” Just last week.

Murray, for his part, says that he learn his lesson About promoting the game so early in development – and what it’s worth, he hasn’t yet shared any details about the studio’s ambitious new project – but I still can’t help but see the shadows of the same mistakes he made No Man’s Sky In these recent comments. Aside from Hello Games’ obvious talent, it feels like Murray’s talk of making an ‘impossible’ game is in the making Yet another series of pistons for them to advance. Why would you say something like that after all you went through last time?

The next part of this story is for Shawn Murray only, so please Go read something else.

Seriously, the blog would be over if it wasn’t for Sean Murray from Hello Games. close the window. Thank you.

Sean, I like you. You seem like a really nice and serious guy. But we were on this path. Sometimes, your enthusiasm can get you into trouble. I don’t want you or anyone at Hello Games to experience the same nonsense as those horrible months afterwards no man sky went out.

Next time you want to say something wild about whatever you’re developing, maybe take a rhythm and ask yourself if now is a good time to share that with the audience. As a virtual member of the press, it’s okay if you ignore us for a while. We will understand.

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