Saturday, June 29, 2024

Crisis in New Caledonia: Cleared, Health and Social Professions Training Institute organized in Nauvoo


Classes have been suspended until further notice for 216 students at the Nouville Health and Social Professions Training Institute in Nouméa. Buildings have been set on fire several times since last May 15. The IFPSS management hopes to recover by August or September, in time to find new classrooms.

They say they are parallel victims of the riots in New Caledonia. Since Wednesday, May 15, several fires have completely destroyed their training facility. Located in Nouville, IFPSS welcomes the country’s future caregivers: nurses, carers and ambulance drivers.

For the students who followed this training, it was a shock. “We are in a volatile period. I don’t know how the rest of the courses will go. The last information we got was that our training was suspended on 13th May 2024. It’s disruptive“, reveals a 3rd year nursing student representative.

A very difficult situation for these students who cannot take the exams scheduled between May and June.

Meanwhile, some of them use their talents to serve the most vulnerable. “I called Medipol to say I was willing to help. In the first year we studied Nursing Assistant Diploma. I didn’t hear back, so I went to work in a nursing home in Auteuil. ÇIt allowed us to keep our spirits up and help as much as we could“, explains another student.

At this stage, it is not possible to draw an accurate material estimate of the damage caused by the numerous fires.

It is currently impossible to make an accurate material estimate of the damage to the structure caused by this fire. You still have to wait for classes to resume. “For the health sector, it is more complex. This requires more logistical resources. In this case, rooms with 50 seats. I am always looking for these ways. We are discussing with the university and IUFM“, notes Hnasil Duhnara, Director of the Training Institute for Health and Social Professions.

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It aims to try to resume training in August at the very least, or at worst, September. If classes resume at that time, graduation will also be postponed“, continues the founding director.

Depending on how the situation develops, the graduation could take place between March and April 2025.

Agapito Llano
Agapito Llano

"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."



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