It is the planetary capital of stress and overwork

It is the planetary capital of stress and overwork

More than 5.6 million people – including 15,000 French expatriates – live in this island city-state, which has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. Stress lagian… and ban.

Fewer than 15,000 French expatriates still live in this island city-state, whose GDP per capita is the highest in the world… Singapore is rich, very rich, ultra-modern and determinedly future-oriented. But it is also – step BloombergAnd journalist Karishma Vaswani, who has lived there for decades — the world capital of stress and overwork.

Retired on 31st

In this 734 km2 of 5.6 million people, we find the most pressing workforce on the planet. Despite a very comfortable standard of living, the mental health of Singaporeans can be devastating. Dare to talk about it with loved ones or worse, colleagues is highly taboo and considered a weakness. A true omerta…

And the government? Obviously, flexibility in work – especially in terms of working hours… But every year, the retirement age rises. It should reach 65 by 2030. And imagine a 31-year-old splashing ink. As he embodies this Singaporean dream, writes Bloomberg. A man named Ashish Chiangi Kumar. Brilliant stuff.

A relaxation center – “anger room” to reduce stress

He received a scholarship to study at Cambridge University. Coming out with merit and individuality. Apparently considered a golden job in the world of work… but at 31 – he announces he’s decided to retire. Henceforth his daily life consisted of reading, writing, hiking and classical music. He stirs up a lot of emotions among his fellow citizens… somewhere between wonder and – envy.

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It’s a little fairy tale, but the truth is completely different… In 2017, in Singapore, a “relaxation center” opened – Google classifies this place called “The Fragment” room” installed in an abandoned noodle factory in central Singapore. Translate as “Rage room”. , a place to blow off steam, where you don white clothes, helmets and gloves, then smash – as you please – dishes, printers and other everyday items with a baseball bat.

Moments of liberation are needed from a very young age

The goal is simple: reduce stress with family or friends. This retreat center is – therefore – rated 4.7/5 on Google. And thisAFP Reporting this funny scenario – two young 18 year old students are finishing their exams… and come to blow off steam in this room. Because let’s remember that stress and competition are legion from an early age.


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