Russia calls bomb explosion at Crimean base ‘sabotage’

Russia calls bomb explosion at Crimean base ‘sabotage’

First UN humanitarian ship leaves for Africa loaded with 23,000 tonnes of wheat

The first humanitarian ship chartered by the United Nations (UN) to carry Ukrainian grain left the port of Pivtenny in southern Ukraine on Tuesday with about 23,000 tons of grain for Africa, Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure announced.

“Ship Brave-Commander He left the port of Pivdenny with grain for Africa. This morning, the cargo ship left for the port of Djibouti, where the food will be delivered to consumers in Ethiopia.the ministry said in a telegram.

According to him, “The ship, chartered by the World Food Programme, is carrying 23,000 tonnes of wheat. [PAM] United Nations “. Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov, who was present at Pivdenny port on Sunday, expressed hope. “two or three” Additional ships chartered by the United Nations may depart soon.

It is the first food aid to leave Ukraine since Kyiv and Moscow signed agreements in July to export Ukrainian grain, banned by the war between the two countries, under Turkish mediation and UN guidance. The first merchant ship left on 1R According to Ukrainian officials, August and more than 15 boats have left Ukraine since the agreement came into force, but no humanitarian cargo from the United Nations has yet set sail.

Ukraine and Russia are among the world’s biggest grain exporters, and prices have risen since the start of the war. According to WFP345 million people in 82 countries now face severe food insecurity, while 50 million people in 45 countries are at risk of starvation if they do not receive humanitarian assistance.

See also  After the bombing of Belgorod, Vladimir Putin vowed to "intensify" attacks on Ukraine.

read more: In Ukraine, Odessa was relieved as the first grain boat left


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